Book Serialisation

Today we initiate the serialisation of The Grand Armour: A Commentary on the Divine Names, an explication and translation of Hādī Sabzavārī’s Sharḥ al-Asmāʾ wa Sharḥ Duʿāʾ al-Jawshan al-Kabīr, by Sayyid Amjad H. Shah Naqavi.

On the eve of the 23rd night of Ramaḍān, we will begin serialising The Exalted Qurʾān: A New English Translation, by Sayyid Amjad H. Shah Naqavi.

On the eve of the 25th night of Ramaḍān, we will begin serialising The Orison and The Observance: The Spiritual Instruction of the Prophet Muḥammad and his Noble Descendants, a parallel English-Arabic text compiled and translated by Sayyid Amjad H. Shah Naqavi.