he Shīʿah Institute is an independent organisation which depends on the generous support of its friends and benefactors. Their support aids the institute in fulfilling its commitment to share the rich tradition of Shia scholarship with humanity and to ensure a bright future for quality academic research pertaining to Shia Islam.

There are a number of ways you can help to fulfil the vision of the Shīʿah Institute. Please see below for more details. All support is greatly appreciated.


Please write to the Institute Development Officer for further details about making a donation to the Shīʿah Institute. We can help you with enquiries about making donations in any of the following ways:

    • Bank Transfer
    • Standing Order
    • Cheque / Postal Order / Banker’s Draft
    • Online Donation
    • Credit / Debit Card
    • Paypal
    • SMS


Benefactors offer substantial support to the Shīʿah Institute and have the opportunity to interact with the Shīʿah Institute in a unique way. The advantages of becoming a benefactor include receiving personal invitations to an annual benefactors’ meeting with the Dean, complimentary copies of Shīʿah Institute publications, and complimentary tickets to Shīʿah Institute events. Any individual or organisation which can demonstrate a commitment to the cause of the Shīʿah Institute is welcome to become a benefactor. please write to the Institute Development Officer for further details.


Remembering the Shīʿah Institute in your will is a touching way to ensure that the cause of Shīʿah scholarship lives on through your intent and generosity. As a registered charity, the Shīʿah Institute can benefit from financial rules which apply to the receipt of legacies. To leave a legacy to the Shīʿah Institute please contact our Institute Development Officer for more information.

Building An Endowment

The Shīʿah Institute is building an endowment so that it can plan for the future and so it can continue to promote the academic study of Shīʿah Islam for generations to come. Many prestigious institutions around the world depend on the foresight of historical benefactors and philanthropic donors. If you share our belief that long term planning is required for the future of Shīʿah scholarship then please contact our Institute Development Officer to discuss opportunities for you to donate.

Tax – Efficient Donation

Donors who pay tax in the UK can help the Shīʿah Institute to increase the value of their donations by 25%. For further information or to discuss individual circumstances please contact our Institute Development Officer.